Annual Report 2023/24
Our full annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024 is now available to view and download here.
Although our commitment to providing the highest quality refuge support remains consistent, it was another year of growth and change for I Choose Freedom, the first year led by our new CEO, Emma.
Key statistics from the year include:
- 816 referrals received in total for our services between the 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024.
- 114 adults and 154 children supported across the year. However, on average, we received nine referrals for each room space that became available, meaning we had to turn away eight survivors and their families.
- 17 survivors supported in our Refuge Accommodation For All (RAFA) properties, including four men and six LGBTQ+ survivors.
- 10 women and 17 children were supported through our resettlement service. On leaving, 93% of survivors reported improved ability to hold a tenancy. 94% of survivors reported improved mental health and 100% of survivors reported being more confident and more empowered.
As ever, we are hugely grateful to all our donors, volunteers and supporters who continue making our work possible, providing the support our survivors deserve.
"Thank you from my heart for your help, support and giving words of praise. I don’t have words fulfil or expressions of thanks to describe how grateful I am to you. Now I am feeling safe and look forward to the future with optimism." - adult survivor, 2024