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Our CEO, Emma Armstrong, spoke to Sky Sports about her experience with Domestic Abuse and Football

One of the largest Football Leagues began on the 14thof June – The Euros. With the excitement of a new season, we wanted to circle back to an interview our incredible CEO, Emma Armstrong, gave Sky Sports last year as part of their advocacy for White Ribbon.

White Ribbon Day is observed on the 25th of November every year, and advocates for preventing violence against women and girls by addressing its root causes. They work with men and boys to change long-established, and harmful, attitudes, systems and behaviours around masculinity that perpetuate inequality and violence.

In the interview, Emma speaks about the role that football played in her abusive relationship. Emma shared that her abuser going to the football was "just another time of fear", which unfortunately is something felt by many women around the world during football season. Research from 2021 by the University of Lancaster reported that violent domestic abuse incidents increased by 38% when England lost football matches, and increased by 26% when the team won or drew.

There is no excuse for domestic abuse, which is why campaigns such as White Ribbon are essential in ending male violence against women and girls. If you pick up on abusive behaviour in one of your mates, call it out.

You can watch Emma's full interview through the link below:


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